Shut Up! Flower Boyband
So.. few hours ago, I was watching another K-Drama called Shut Up! Flower Boyband. I saw the trailer when I watched tvN. It was during the free channel days from my tv cable operator. I was so exited and dying to watch that! (please underline). The trailer was amazing, it made me so curious! Really curious! I was waited for a longggggg time to see the first episode, and... unfurnately, the drama started couple days after the free channel days ended. Do you know how much I want to throw my TV away that night?
Yeah, God knows what I really need.
Instead of watching the serial on TV, He sent me to a DVD seller. At first, I wasn't sure if there was one of it left. But thank God, I found it! (mm.. the dvd seller actually -_- heheh) So I went home crazily. As I arrived at home, I wanted to watch it so bad, but... my mom and sister... They just couldn't get out of my room. The only DVD player was in my room, and I don't like watching drama with them. So annoying, you know! Noisy, and too much asking.
BUT here I am. Get up so early this morning (at 5a.m) and didn't sleep again. I watched the drama instead! Hahahaha.
First Episode
GAH! THEY'RE ALL SO COOL! No, no. Really REALLY REALLY COOL! As cool as North Pole and as hot as magma! Byung Hee, Ji Hyuk, Hyun Soo, Do Il, Kyung Jong, Ha Jin. Or you can call them.. Eye Candy. Yep! Eye Candy is a band where they belong to. Yeah, you know, they're like.. a bad, no, I mean really bad boys. Fighting is usual for them. And school? They just don't give a single damn. Only focus on two things... Friendship, and the Band. Because their old school is about to close, they're transfered to Jung Sang High School. I was confused, how can these 6 bad boys transfered into such a high rated school? yeah, just keep it as a question, forever. -_- Simply say, there's another band in that shcool. Called Strawberry Fields. Then, you should've guessed it. Yup, they fought. At first, it was because the boy from Strawberry Fields named Pyo Joo asked they to come to the Gym hall, and Pyo Joo started to act annoying. Byung Hee, the king of fight, win! And.. yeah that's where the conflict started.
OH! I remember the quote Byung Hee said. Kinda sweet.
"I want to die, in my happiest moment.."
Can I skip the romance? SURE I CAN! (no, not that because the romance is bad. but trust me, if you watch this drama, all you can think about, is just the Bromance. not the romance)
Second Episode
I can't remember them all. But, this episode is the most heart aching. The most I cried about. :'( *suddenly become so sensitive*
Byung Hee's going to meet Pyo Joo because he said, he would give him a drum set, if he come to the place where they meet, alone. So Byung Hee, as a good leader, take the words. He went there, happily, with no fear as usual. SKIP to the part where Byung Hee is fighting against Pyo Joo and friends. But unfortunately.. He got hit at the head with baseball stick. His head's bleeding. He run away from Pyo Joo and friends, and trying to call the other Eye Candy members. He call Ji Hyuk for many times, but Ji Hyuk didn't answer because he is talking with Soo Ah outside, and he left his phone inside. When he was done talking to Soo Ah, he answered the phone.. and Byung Hee's voice is shaking. Quickly, he run off of the house, call the friends and try to find Byung Hee. When they arrived at a traffic jam, they saw Byung Hee. Bleeding, and he act like a drunk person.
Byung Hee, can not see them properly because of that hit. He's trying to reach his friends, at the other side.....and... "ANDWAEEEEEEEE" Ji Hyuk screamed.
Byung Hee was hit by a truck. He died.
HWAAAAAAAAAAAA I can't continue... (T___T)
It was just the second episode and... BLAM! Byoung Hee died. And the Eye Candy friendship... IT WAS JUST TOO SWEET TO BE TRUE. Too tragic to be told. If only you could see my face as I trying to stop my tears because of those bromance scenes. Can you imagine it? When Byong Hee dies, those bad boy couldn't stop crying. THOSE COLD HEARTED BOYS. CAN YOU IMAGINE IT?!!!! (T__T) I was burst into tears at 6 a.m, because of this episode! You know! *frustated*
First time I watched a k-drama with friendship as the main conflict. First time I skipped the romantic scenes. AND IT WAS AMAZING!!! I know it would be hard to be true, but I really wish there will be more k-dramas that have a certain quality like this. Really wish there will be more k-dramas with less kissing scene. And really wish there will be more k-dramas that can make me cry, not because the romance, like one sided love, etc.
You guys should watch this anyway. There're plenty of moral value we can take. :')
SHUT UP FLOWER BOYBAND JJANG! AND OH! I also falling hard for this person.. Hyun Soo! (L - Infinite) How can I avoid his charm??? First I adore him, because he had a sister, and he really loves her! Second, because he isn't selfish. Every step he takes, he always thinks of his sister, and parets. NAH! Older brother! have I told you I really wish I have one? YUP if I'm asked, who I really want to be my brother... I will definetly answer, Hyun Soo! Yeay!

Hah... enough. OK-_- Eh! I'll introduce my....future(?) This:
CN Blue's Drummer- Minhyuk. Bigbang's rapper - T.O.P
Shinee's flamming charisma - Minho
Dunno why I always fall for cold person and.. what was I thinking when I started to like them are just....their glare. Hah, I want to have a death glare too! It'd be fun if I could make people run because of my glare hahaha-_-
SO, it's 3:30 a.m in the morning.
Goodbye then! :3
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