K-FRIYAY: Slayage of The Year
Hi, people!
There was not much going on this week, but somehow I still forgot to do my assignment and write about this particular session of my blog. Please understand my forgetfulness and clumsiness. I started writing this post at 10.14 p.m, I thought to do this tomorrow but hell naw! consistency is everything! said Casey Neistat. So, yeah. Welcome to another K-FRIYAYYY (you should emphasize on YAYYY while pronouncing it) session.
A lot of you may know, or not know about what is happening in the k-pop world these days. Well, same guys, same. But, there's this particular group that I have been fond of since 2012. Guess what, they're having a comeback! Yes, it's no other than EXO (I'm writing this on my phone with auto-correct on and it keeps changing exo to eco it's so ANN0Y1N9).
EXO is having a comeback this week with their 3rd full album "EX'ACT". Yup, exactly what we need in Ramadhan time. Tsk. With a double title tracks, EXO will slay us back to heaven. I don't think it's appropriate to say that but I'll just go with it. I am not a native English speaker, to make things clear. According to description box on their MV, the first title track 'Lucky One', ".. is a funky R&B dance track and it talks about a man who wants to find his destined lover.", while the second title track 'Monster', "..is a dance song with lyrics about a crazy and obsessive love that is hard to give up". Ugh, the complicated love life of EXO.
Before they released the music video, SM released the comeback image teaser.
Lucky One Image Teaser
I was literally, screaming my lungs out when I first saw the images. I was like "omg they're so cute" and stuff like that. I am loving the flower boy look by Kim Minseok a.k.a Xiumin. Lay looks so damn fine, he's the finest in these image teasers to be honest. I laughed so hard at Kyungsoo's image teaser because he is like, "Betch, whatever.".. and Chanyeol..I am sorry but his hair in this photo is just HAHAHA.
Dark concept. YAAAAAAS. I think EXO suits dark concept so much and it's kind of its original color? For instance MAMA, History, Overdose. A lot of EXO's songs has dark vibe too, such as Eldorado, Let Out The Beast, Hurt, EXODUS, and many more. So I was really anticipating and excited for the comeback. I am loving all the piercings and intense stare!
Monster Image Teaser
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Chanyeol |
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Kai (Jongin) |
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Lay (Yixing) |
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Chen (Jongdae) |
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Sehun |
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Suho (Junmyeon) |
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Xiumin (Minseok) |
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D.O (Kyungsoo) |
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Baekhyun |
Moving on to the music video.. you can watch that first before continuing to read this post.
If you're still reading this after you watch the video, I salute you.
Funny thing is, sometimes in k-pop the music video doesn't even match the lyrics. Just like Lucky One. The lyrics is about finding a destined lover while the music video is some kind of creepy futuristic experiment whose subject is the exo members.
- Lucky One M/V
Each exo members has superpowers, right? They're being captured now. For God knows what reason. My guess is that they're being tested, like the one you see in super hero movies. The nurses are robots that is created by human. Maybe humans want to know what exo members are capable of and they want to rule them to 'protect' the earth. But, Kyungsoo with his strength broke the glass of the room. As soon after that, they all escape. You'll see the members using their own superpowers to get rid of the nurse. Chanyeol with his fire, Sehun can control the wind, so I'm guessing he takes away oxygen from the nurse-she collapses-and Jongdae finishes her off by his lightning. Yixing made a flower, since his power is healing. Maybe the nurse is allergic to flower or she gets flustered that a perfect handsome gentleman hands her a flower, she too exploded.
Jongin, the member whose power is teleportation is seen dancing in front of the nurses. Yeah sure it is more effective than teleporting. And honestly, that dance could kill me too. Also, the two oldest members Suho and Xiumin are seen drinking water by using handmade glass created by Xiumin and water provided by Suho.
X: Bro, I'm thirsty.
S: Yeah, me too Bro.
X: Should we make a glass of water?
S: Cool idea!
/cooly drinks the water
Like.. you didn't just do that while escaping from crazy nurse. Well, I'll forgive them since they're the oldest members.
In the end of the video, you can see the maze which made an appearance on Overdose era. If you look closely, there are three lights in the center of the maze and nine lights escaping. Guys, SM is throwing shades on Luhan, Kris and Tao, the three Chinese members who left. HAHA savage of the year. The three lights symbolized three members who left EXO and they will never get out of the maze since they're stuck in overdose era. Although Tao did promote in Call Me Baby era, it was one only one time and the next thing we know, he left.
- Monster M/V
I think the MV is related with Lucky One. In this MV, they have already escaped from the crazy robot nurses. But humans are always after them. They sent polices to tame them "monsters". First, they gathered in Baekhyun's tea party. Maybe they want to discuss about visiting his grandma's place (EXO SHOWTIME FEELZ WHO'S WITH ME!11!) or maybe they just want to casually gossips over their celebrity crushes. Lol ok serious now. Maybe Baekhyun already know that humans will come after them so he gathered the members. In short, he teamed up with humans. That's why there is a snake, to symbolize Baekhyun's snake-y (lmao) act.
Then the members are fighting for dear life. They fight sooo hard until they eventually lost all of their energy and being captured. But then!!! In the end, Baekhyun is the one that drives the van (or cage?) the exo members are in. He finally set them free!
- end of theory session -
Woooh. That was a long ass ride. NCT fan can relate.
How are my theories?
Yeah, I know, it's just a wild guess of everything lmao. No back up facts or cool history facts that is related to the story line. That's fine. I'm still going to post that anyway. :p
Whoop! Time flies soo fast. It's already 11.36 so I gotta post this quick.
Last words,
I am so excited that my kings are coming back. You know. They got great songs and great dance moves. Amazing music videos. And OT9!!! The responses of the public have been great and it is such a pleasant thing to see. EXO will slay this year for sure!
Anyeong, chingudeul! Don't forget to watch the music video and also live performances because they got some cool ass dance moves that you definitely don't wanna miss. See you on the next post!
P.S: Which track do you like better, Monster or Lucky One? For me, I can't choose :(
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